Links & References

UPDATE: I've recently written a book entitled Recovering Agency: Lifting the Veil of Mormon Mind Control. The new website, at Recovering Agency contains all of these articles, some of them updated, plus new resources. This older site is not being maintained, but will remain online as an archive.

Mormon-Related Sites

- The Post-Mormon Online Community - A community of like minded post- and ex-Mormons. Their resources include an interactive forum and an online magazine.

- Recovery from Mormonism - "A site for those who are questioning their faith in the Mormon Church and for those who need support as they transition their lives to a normal life." The site keeps an archive of exit stories, articles on various aspects of the Mormon religion including history and current affairs, and an interactive discussion forum.

- Mormon No More - How to resign from the Mormon Church. Includes advice, stories, and example resignation letters.

- Re-Thinking Mormonism - A collection of insightful articles and commentary on Mormonism.

- - Many articles on all aspects of the LDS church, including criticisms, exit stories, Church history, and controversial figures.

- The Official Internet Site of the LDS Church - Go direct to the source -- there is much to be learned here.

- 20 Truths About Mormonism - An overview of mamy key points of the Mormon deceptions.

- Rick A. Ross Institute on Mormons - A site collecting information and news releases on cults. This link goes to his Mormon page. He also has a page dedicated to fundementalist polygamy groups.

Cult-Related Sites

- FactNet - News and Information on cults and mind control.

- The Rick A. Ross Institute - A database of information about cults, destructive cults, controversial groups and movements.

- The International Cultic Studies Association - Originally founded as the American Family Foundation (AFF), this organization provides support and information regarding cults and mind control.

- Freedom of Mind Center - Steven Hassan's offical website (author of Releasing the Bonds and Combatting Cult Mind Control).

- ReFOCUS - Recovering Former Cultists' Support Network, formerly FOCUS. "Recovery resources for folks hurt by their involvement with abusive and controlling organizations and relationships."

***An important note about the Cult Awareness Network (CAN) and FOCUS!!! Please avoid these groups! In 1995, CAN declared bankrupcy, and all of their assets and intellectual property was purchased by a Scientologist. This included rights to the names (including FOCUS). The website is now run by Scientologists, and information there should be treated with suspicion. (ReFOCUS is the new incarnation of FOCUS, and is legitimate.)

Articles & Papers

- Shame and the Destruction of Agency by Ed Gardiner, Ph.D.

- The Pattern of the Double-Bind in Mormonism by Marion Stricker - How the emotional dynamics of Mormonism keeps members trapped.

- Life After Mormonism and the Double-Bind by Marion Stricker - More on the emotional double-bind of Mormonism

- "My Controversy with the Church" by Janice M. Allred - A personal exit story of a controversial LDS author.

- Good-bye to God by Steve Benson - A personal exit story from the grandson of Prophet Ezra Taft Benson.

- Thought reform and conformity within Mormonism - A quick list of some thought-reform techniques as they relate to Mormonism.

- Dr. Robert J. Lifton's Criteria for Thought Reform - The original list of thought reform techniques from mind control pioneer, Dr. Lifton, with brief descriptions.


Beck, Martha Nibley, Leaving the Saints: How I Lost the Mormons and Found My Life, New York: Crown Publishers, 2005

Festinger, Leon, Henry W. Riecken, and Stanley Schachter, When Prophecy Fails: A social study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world, New York: Harper & Row, 1956

Hassan, Steven, Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves. Somerville, MA: Freedom of Mind Press, 2000.

Kline, Diana, Woman Redeemed, Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse, 2005

Langone, Michael D., ed. Recovery from Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993.

Morin, Brad L., and Chris L. Morin. Suddenly Strangers: Surrendering Gods and Heroes. Chula Vista, CA: Aventine Press, 2004

Sanchez, Steve, Spiritual Perversion. Austin: 2005

Schein, Edgar H. Coercive Persuasion. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1961

Singer, Margaret Thaler, Cults in our Midst. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1995

Stricker, Marion, The Pattern of the Double-Bind in Mormonism. Universal Publishers, 2000

Tobias, Madeleine Landau, and Janja Lalich. Captive Hearts, Captive Minds. Almeda, CA: Hunter House, 1994

Ure, James W., Leaving the Fold: Candid Conversations with Inactive Mormons. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1999

Copyright 2005, Luna Flesher